Thursday, February 21, 2008

Edison Chen Sex Scandal

In all fairness (from my perspective), I don't see why and how Edison Chen was pin down for this sex scandal. I mean, cmon..

1) these photos were private and was not intended for anyone else to see.
2) the ladies involved willing posed for the camera. It wasn't anything like they were being forced to do it.
3) it was private! It's not Edison distributed it on his own. These images/videos were "STOLEN"

I am NOT a fan of Edison by the way. I just feel it's unfair for him alone to bear this blame. and c'mon, Gillian is such a hypocrite too. All this squeaky clean image thingy and being against pre-marital sex and what not. Oh please! Look, these ladies willing posed for the pics.

Edison and the ladies were the victims. End. Period. They love each other then ( i think) and so they had sex. Big Deal.

Sorry if I have offended anyone out there, but this is personally my view towards this whole issue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please do remember most of the photo were taken by Edison but not all. :-)

Do you accept Edison Chen’s apology? Here is a poll inviting people from different point of views and culture to express their opinion on this photo gate scandal.