Friday, November 2, 2007

Vic Zhou Yu Min - Wo Bu Shi F4 (pinyin & eng translation)

Yay! Thanks to YouTube user zhenusa for the english translation!

Watch the MV with pinyin and english translation. Sub by me! :)

《我不是F4》 I am Not F4

我不是F4 愛你FOREVER 我不是F4 只想跟你瘋
I am not F4
Love you forever
I am not F4
Only want to have crazy fun with you

我不是一個天生萬人迷 講話也沒有迷人的口音
I am not born to be a Prince Charm
My pronunciation is not perfect

我只希望當你心中的平民 能夠守護你好幾個世紀
I just want to be a regular person in your heart
Can be with you for many centuries to come

算命說我戀情要等緣份 但我相信愛都需要經營
Fortune teller said I need wait for my love
See if it is meant to be (Fate)
But I believe all love relationship need to be work on

就算沒有專機可以接送你 但我會努力的飛進你心裡
Although I do not have my own airplane for you
But I will do my best to fly into your heart

喔哦~ 喔哦~ 別害羞 讓我讓我載你去作夢
Wo~Oh~ Wo Oh~ Don't by shy
Let me take you to our dreamland

我不是F4 我不管紅不紅 想跟你牽手走完整個地球
I am not F4
I don't care if I am popular or not
I just want to hold your hand
And travel all over the world together

小幸福 大感動 都值得讓我們去探索
Small happiness Deep emotion
All of them are worth the effort for us go search them together

我不是F4 你不要想太多 就要大聲說要你愛真的我
I am not F4
Don't think too much
Just tell me you Love the Real Me Loudly

不做作 不嚕嗦 我給你少根筋的溫柔
No pretentious
Not too many words
Let me give you my tender love
Even you might think I am a bite lack of sensibility

我不是F4 不想再寂寞 我載你離開地球
I am not F4
I don't want to be lonely anymore
Let me take you out of this world

我不是F4 聽我的請求 我帶你上UFO
I am not F4
Please listen to my plead
Let me take you to UFO

wo bu shi F4 a ha
ai ni forever a ha
wo bu shi F4 a ha
zhi xiang gen ni feng a ha
wo bu shi yi ge tian sheng wan ren mi
jiang hua ye mei you mi ren de kou yin
wo zhi xi wang dang ni xin zhong de ping min
neng gou shou hu ni hao ji ge shi ji
shuo yi shuo wo dui qing yao de yuan fen
dan wo xiang xin ai dou xu yao qin mi
jiu suan mei you chun jie ke yi jie shou ni
dan wo hui nu li de fei jin ni xin li
e e e e bie hai xiu
rang wo rang wo dai ni qu zuo meng
wo bu shi F4 wo bu guan hong bu hong
xiang gen ni qian shou zou wan zheng ge di qiu
xiao xing fu da gan dong dou zhi de
rang wo men qu tan suo
wo bu shi F4 ni bu yao xiang tai duo
jiu yao da sheng shuo yao ni ai zheng ge wo
bu zuo zuo bu luo suo wo gei ni
shao gen jin de wen rou
wo bu shi yi ge tian sheng wan ren mi
jiang hua ye mei you mi ren de kou yin
wo zhi xi wang dang ni xin zhong de ping
min neng gou shou hu ni hao ji ge shi ji
shuo yi shuo wo dui qing yao de yuan fen
dan wo xiang xin ai dou xu yao qin mi
jiu suan mei you chun jie ke yi jie shou ni dan
wo hui nu li de fei jin ni xin li
e e e e bie hai xiu
rang wo rang wo dai ni qu zuo meng
wo bu shi F4 wo bu guan hong bu hong
xiang gen ni qian shou zou wan zheng ge di qiu
xiao xing fu da gan dong dou zhi de
rang wo men qu tan suo
wo bu shi F4 ni bu yao xiang tai duo
jiu yao da sheng shuo yao ni ai zheng ge wo
bu zuo zuo bu luo suo wo gei ni
shao gen jin de wen rou
wo bu shi F4 a ha
bu xiang zai ji mo a ha
wo dai ni li kai di qiu
wo bu shi F4 a ha
jin wo de xing qiu a ha
wo dai ni shang UFO

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