Saturday, September 8, 2007

my first international foray...

I am a *ahem* young entrepreneur making my first international debut. My first stop, Singapore. I am super duper excited :) Keeping both my fingers and toes crossed that my company and our prospective client can see eye-to-eye for the upcoming commercial discussion.

My goal is to seal the contract before I leave Singapore, making it a fruitful visit. There are a zillion things to oversee. The fluctuating exchange rate, should I peg or unpeg, the high transportation cost, margin, timing, space, quantity and most importantly, how would Singaporeans shoppers response to my brand?

My brand is doing relatively well in Malaysia despite being in the market for only 6weeks :) Some may say I ventured too early into international market, then again, I should capture the market while it's hot right?

Morever, it is a small investment hence small risk to take. Like many proud owners/entrepreneurs would say, I am confident with my brand and products.

So, wish me bestest of luck. I'll be flying off to Singapore tomorrow for work come play. yay! ;p

1 comment:

The Poppet said...

This entire space is so clever, you have acheived making your visitors smile every time they go over paragraph by paragraph. The welcoming graphic is also very charming, Life's Little Holiday: wonderful!! :)