Sunday, December 30, 2007


Got this super cute ultra lush gifts for my friend's little angel who just turned a month old. Very pretty packaging and very $$$ :) Available at Takashimaya Singapore. Niceeeeeeeee! There are too many pretty choices to pick. But since Annabelle is only a month old, so I took different colours available for infants. Cute Cute Cute!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Seven Yachts A-Sailing, Six...

An interesting article I read online.


Seven Yachts A-Sailing, Six...

Billionaires Are Offered Submarines, Image Makeovers, but One Wants Pie
December 7, 2007

With a record number of billionaires in the U.S., and even more consumers who want to spend like them, retailers are dreaming up ever-more-outrageous and excessive holiday gift ideas for the new Gilded Age.
Most are just for show. Neiman Marcus's Triton 1000 submarine (price: $1.4 million, leather seats included) and its $1.59 million private concert by the Kirov Orchestra have generated more publicity than buyers so far.


Yet the rich are truly spending, seemingly unrattled by the quakes in the financial markets. According to a survey done by Prince & Associates, a Connecticut-based wealth research firm, shoppers worth $10 million or more plan to boost their holiday spending by up to 67% this year. Most will be putting money into jewelry (average expenditure of $152,400), fashion items ($46,200) and yacht charters ($487,000).

Credit crisis? What credit crisis?

A necklace from Sotheby's Diamonds and Steinmetz Diamond Group for $16 million

The Robb Report, a monthly bible of conspicuous consumption, recently published its "21 Ultimate Gifts" in time for the holidays. The list includes Beechwood, an Astor family estate in Newport, R.I. (asking price: $18 million) as well as a 300-carat diamond necklace created by a division of Sotheby's in conjunction with Steinmetz Diamond Group of Geneva, for $16 million.

Those who actually advise the wealthy (or their families) on gifts say that travel and family vacations are at the top of the list this year. Mint Lifestyle LLC, a concierge company based in Beverly Hills, Calif., says four of its clients have booked yachts for the holidays, while others are taking dozens of family members to tropical islands or on ski trips in the mountains.

Mint Lifestyle produced a mini gift guide for its clients this fall. The most popular item was a commissioned biography, which it says wives are buying for their husbands. The books, which cost around $30,000, tell a person's life and business story.

"It's perfect for that someone who is no one but made a billion dollars selling his widget business," says Gordon MacGeachy, co-founder of Mint.

Mint's other top seller was a donation to an elephant refuge in Thailand that rescues elephants used for tourism on the streets of Bangkok and gives them a safe, rural home. An added bonus: This gift counts as charity. "It's getting to the end of the year and people are starting to think about tax deductions," Mr. MacGeachy said.

Aston Pearl, a New York concierge firm, is recommending more soulful gifts. Natasha Pearl, Aston Pearl's founder, advises giving billionaires personalized services, like life coaching (focusing more on the spiritual than material), a session with a philanthropy adviser or a consultation with an image consultant -- a useful gift for today's new rich. "Maybe you were one person for most of your life, but now you're someone different," she says. "An image consultant can help you think about that."


As for the wealthy themselves, many are asking for more basic gifts. Mark Cuban, the dot-com billionaire who recently appeared on ABC's "Dancing with the Stars," says he has three wishes this holiday season: An NBA trophy for the team he owns, the Dallas Mavericks; a 32-gigabyte flash drive; and a new pair of ballroom-dancing shoes.

Billionaire Sam Wyly, the tech baron and bookworm who recently purchased the tiny Explore Booksellers in Aspen, Colo., says he wants books for Christmas. All of them are nonfiction: "Flying Tigers: Claire Chennault and His American Volunteers, 1941-1942," by Daniel Ford; "Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came Into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming," by Paul Hawkin; and "Break Through: From the Death of Environmentalism to the Politics of Possibility" by Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger.

One more thing: Mr. Wyly also wants his favorite pecan pie, baked by his assistant.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Friday, November 2, 2007

Vic Zhou Yu Min - Wo Bu Shi F4 (pinyin & eng translation)

Yay! Thanks to YouTube user zhenusa for the english translation!

Watch the MV with pinyin and english translation. Sub by me! :)

《我不是F4》 I am Not F4

我不是F4 愛你FOREVER 我不是F4 只想跟你瘋
I am not F4
Love you forever
I am not F4
Only want to have crazy fun with you

我不是一個天生萬人迷 講話也沒有迷人的口音
I am not born to be a Prince Charm
My pronunciation is not perfect

我只希望當你心中的平民 能夠守護你好幾個世紀
I just want to be a regular person in your heart
Can be with you for many centuries to come

算命說我戀情要等緣份 但我相信愛都需要經營
Fortune teller said I need wait for my love
See if it is meant to be (Fate)
But I believe all love relationship need to be work on

就算沒有專機可以接送你 但我會努力的飛進你心裡
Although I do not have my own airplane for you
But I will do my best to fly into your heart

喔哦~ 喔哦~ 別害羞 讓我讓我載你去作夢
Wo~Oh~ Wo Oh~ Don't by shy
Let me take you to our dreamland

我不是F4 我不管紅不紅 想跟你牽手走完整個地球
I am not F4
I don't care if I am popular or not
I just want to hold your hand
And travel all over the world together

小幸福 大感動 都值得讓我們去探索
Small happiness Deep emotion
All of them are worth the effort for us go search them together

我不是F4 你不要想太多 就要大聲說要你愛真的我
I am not F4
Don't think too much
Just tell me you Love the Real Me Loudly

不做作 不嚕嗦 我給你少根筋的溫柔
No pretentious
Not too many words
Let me give you my tender love
Even you might think I am a bite lack of sensibility

我不是F4 不想再寂寞 我載你離開地球
I am not F4
I don't want to be lonely anymore
Let me take you out of this world

我不是F4 聽我的請求 我帶你上UFO
I am not F4
Please listen to my plead
Let me take you to UFO

wo bu shi F4 a ha
ai ni forever a ha
wo bu shi F4 a ha
zhi xiang gen ni feng a ha
wo bu shi yi ge tian sheng wan ren mi
jiang hua ye mei you mi ren de kou yin
wo zhi xi wang dang ni xin zhong de ping min
neng gou shou hu ni hao ji ge shi ji
shuo yi shuo wo dui qing yao de yuan fen
dan wo xiang xin ai dou xu yao qin mi
jiu suan mei you chun jie ke yi jie shou ni
dan wo hui nu li de fei jin ni xin li
e e e e bie hai xiu
rang wo rang wo dai ni qu zuo meng
wo bu shi F4 wo bu guan hong bu hong
xiang gen ni qian shou zou wan zheng ge di qiu
xiao xing fu da gan dong dou zhi de
rang wo men qu tan suo
wo bu shi F4 ni bu yao xiang tai duo
jiu yao da sheng shuo yao ni ai zheng ge wo
bu zuo zuo bu luo suo wo gei ni
shao gen jin de wen rou
wo bu shi yi ge tian sheng wan ren mi
jiang hua ye mei you mi ren de kou yin
wo zhi xi wang dang ni xin zhong de ping
min neng gou shou hu ni hao ji ge shi ji
shuo yi shuo wo dui qing yao de yuan fen
dan wo xiang xin ai dou xu yao qin mi
jiu suan mei you chun jie ke yi jie shou ni dan
wo hui nu li de fei jin ni xin li
e e e e bie hai xiu
rang wo rang wo dai ni qu zuo meng
wo bu shi F4 wo bu guan hong bu hong
xiang gen ni qian shou zou wan zheng ge di qiu
xiao xing fu da gan dong dou zhi de
rang wo men qu tan suo
wo bu shi F4 ni bu yao xiang tai duo
jiu yao da sheng shuo yao ni ai zheng ge wo
bu zuo zuo bu luo suo wo gei ni
shao gen jin de wen rou
wo bu shi F4 a ha
bu xiang zai ji mo a ha
wo dai ni li kai di qiu
wo bu shi F4 a ha
jin wo de xing qiu a ha
wo dai ni shang UFO

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007

nicky lee - xiang tai duo

check out nicky lee.. a korean singing mandarin song.. charting his way to fame.

nice song.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

F.I.R - 需要你的爱 (xu yau ni de ai)

Nice one from FIR. Too bad she can't sing live.

Jolin Agent J - Part 2

Finally.. it's out. I was looking for this MV, the missing link :) I thought I had posted it a week back, but I realised I didn't. Duhh.. Silly me.. Anyway, here goes..

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

蔡依林 Jolin 节拍器 MV

I've never fancy Jolin Tsai's songs, but her some of her new singles are really nice. Here's another MV featuring the cute Stephen Fung.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Kelsey Grammer Presents: The Sketch Show

Real funny. Take time out to watch this, pay attention to the interpreter bit. This show is on Star World channel, every Thursday 8.30pm. Funnyyy!

Kelsey Gramm

Friday, October 12, 2007

shortcut to riches?

I told my mum recently, the fastest and probably surest way to riches is tru acquisition. Haha. Marriage acquisition ;p

A friend of mine, probably only 30 by now, comes from a poor to average family in a small town. He makes his living as a sports coach is some condominiums. He met a tycoon's daughter in some social function and voila, they fell in love. Bla bla forward to present, they are now blissfully married with a cute daughter. He turned into a instant millionaire or billionaire when he married this woman. His in law flew from town to town in their own private helicopter. They entertain friends in their private RM3mil yatch. I believe that will give you readers a good idea of the vast amount of wealth this son in law has inherited.

So what's all this about women marrying for money? Hmm.. men do the same. I've known many, some succeed some failed. Failed as in these men, unfortunately, do not get a share in the big pie. Too bad. Try again next time! Haha.

Seriously, the fastest way to riches is probably tru marriage acquisition. Call me lame or whatever, but this is a fact indeed. If you want to depend on yourself, you really need some serious luck to hit the jackpot before age 30. Brain/intelligence do play a part but of course, in business, you need a lot luck to pull tru your first million deal.

Best is, riches tru marriage acquisition and then, make your own millions from there. At least, you have the everyday basic necessity covered and you can channel your strength, energy, time and money on making your own millions. Good eh? That's exactly my plan ;)

Saturday, September 29, 2007

this is way too KUTE!

I understand this is bishon frise. Ultra cute, depending on the hair cut :) But this particular one is one hell of a cute dog

Hmm... I can't decide which to go into "My Wish" list. I love west highland white terrier too. Look somewhat similar at first sight. Equally as cute ;)

Friday, September 28, 2007

How to - The Perfect Ponytail

Love this classic elegant ponytail.

VideoJug: How To Make A Perfect Ponytail

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

who's who?

Do you know who's who? :) So which is Zhang Dong Liang and which is Kim Jae Won?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Jolin feat Kim Jae Won

This are the latest MVs from Jolin latest album. One of the interesting highlights for me were Korean actor, Kim Jae Won, was casted in this 3 parts MVs. I've only seen two so far. I don't enjoy Te Wu J, but I love Pai Shen Mo.

Part 1 - 特务J (Te Wu J - Agent J)

Part 2 - 怕什么 (Pai Shen Me - What are you scared of?)

I am not too sure if this is a MV or what. More like a short movie. Anyway, I like it. This MV features Kim Jae Won and Jolin. And yes, Kim Jae Won does strike a similar resemblance with Zhang Dong Liang :)

This is
怕什么 (Pai Shen Me - What are you scared of?) - a still MV, but you get to listen to the actual song. Very nice song.

The story goes (credits to shenyuepop blog)

Jolin played the role “Agent J” in the film, while dating Kim Jae-Won (as a guy name S). It’s a story about a agent’s destiny and love story.

Jolin lost her memory and disappeared in S’s life one day and started all these chasing games, as a agent, Jolin found out that her next killing target turned out to be S. It’s a situation where you have to deal with love, job, and reality.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

i want it too!

A gal friend of mine is busy planning her wedding party. I thought it's the usual routine for the rich - mandarin oriental, custom made wedding dress, jimmy choo shoes, mega carat wedding ring. Hell, she went one step further, she flew to London to meet Jimmy Choo personally to have her wedding shoes MADE. Apparently, Jimmy Choo decided to present a pair to her as a wedding gift, and her ultra rich daddy decides to have another pair for her customised by Jimmy Choo. Wahhh.. My jaw dropped when I heard that. Ooooh.. I want it too!!

Friday, September 21, 2007

freakingly cute!

Meet my Tommy, my cute golden retriever. Technically, he's my sister's dog. But since I feed, train, bath, groom, care and play with Tommy, oh, not to mention, paid for all his living expenses, everyone naturally assume he is my dog. Even Tommy himself thinks I am his owner. He listens to me not anyone else. Between my sis and I, he comes to me :) yay! This picture can't do any justice, he's really adorable in real. Freaking cute! And I have to say, super duper "manja". He always put his head on my lap when I'm busy at work and sigh with eyes rolled up looking at me from his lashes, waiting for me to pat his head. And if I don't give in, he'll give another loud sigh and then starts calling me with his paw. Smart ass eh? One heck of a dog. Though he's already 2years of age, and mind you, he's really huge.. he still acts like a puppy. I still call him my little puppy. He's got this really weird obsession with soft toys. He goes real cranky and super excited when he sees an old or new soft toy. Hmmm..

Monday, September 17, 2007

Spagetthi Placenta, anyone?

Who eats placenta?? Besides the stupid joke made by Tom Cruise (haha, so not the funny)

So yeah, I just found out a cousin of mine is eyeing on her sister in law placenta! Apparently, my cousin is going roun
d asking family and relatives to join her to eat the placenta. Myth or fact, placenta is believed to have some beauty goodies in it.

Err... still.. to eat??? Sounds a little cannibalistic to me.

It amazes me how people are so daft about quack medicine.

Let me show u what it looks like first.

And what recipes goes with placenta?? Probably just eat it raw. Eeuuw! Spagetthi placenta, anyone?

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Bag-aholic :)

Bagaholic, shoeaholic, shopaholic.. no wonder I am always so broke.

Checkout this website It features new designer handbags and also you can shop online at the various authentic website posted on

My stupid Gucci played me out on my way to an important meeting. The stupid strap broke!! Of all time, it chose the worst time. My clients must be thinking I bought a fake Gucci. Arghh! Bloody hell, that bag cost me a several thousand ringgits okay.

This is not the first time my Gucci let me down. So many of my Gucci bags have spoilt. After using for 2 years, the strap broke, torn conner, jammed zipper.. sigh.. Even the leather ones have problems.

Apparently I am not the only one. My friend (Gucci fanatic) shares similar problem, but she doesn't mind cause she's so rich! hahaha..

The only long lasting ones I have are LV. My good old LV :) So I have decided, no more Gucci for me.

Louis Vuitton Tribute Patchwork Bag

Now this limited Louis Vuitton Tribute Patchwork Bag is set to distinguished the richer from the richer or the millionaire from the super multi millionaire. Only 24units are available; 4 in the States, 20 rest of the world. Each priced at USD42,000!!

I am a fan of LV, but personally, I don't quite like this one at all. It is ridiculous hideous!! It's horrendous! Perhaps maybe that's because I'm not from the "league". Haha..

So that you know, the English press refers this as the "Frankenstein Monster" when it was launched. I am not the only one :)

And it's not surprising that this bag will be a sellout among the elite circle coz, this bag just scream "Hey, I'm the richer rich."

In fact, Louis Vuitton Tribue Patchwork Bag is a sold out! Geez!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Danson Tang - Ai Wo

my first international foray...

I am a *ahem* young entrepreneur making my first international debut. My first stop, Singapore. I am super duper excited :) Keeping both my fingers and toes crossed that my company and our prospective client can see eye-to-eye for the upcoming commercial discussion.

My goal is to seal the contract before I leave Singapore, making it a fruitful visit. There are a zillion things to oversee. The fluctuating exchange rate, should I peg or unpeg, the high transportation cost, margin, timing, space, quantity and most importantly, how would Singaporeans shoppers response to my brand?

My brand is doing relatively well in Malaysia despite being in the market for only 6weeks :) Some may say I ventured too early into international market, then again, I should capture the market while it's hot right?

Morever, it is a small investment hence small risk to take. Like many proud owners/entrepreneurs would say, I am confident with my brand and products.

So, wish me bestest of luck. I'll be flying off to Singapore tomorrow for work come play. yay! ;p

The Real Rain Man

Meet Kim Peek, a savant with photographic memory. He reads and remember 98% of the content. Do you know both his eyes read different page?? As in, left eye reads page on the left of a book, and right eye reads right page! Holy cow!!

I caught this on Astro channel 50 last night. Wow! He practically remembers everything he read. The documentary showed interviewers asking questions like, what day was May 3rd, 1927. And he responded accurately within 2 seconds. Talk about geniuses!

However, he has difficulty in ordinary motor skill such as trying up shoe lace, button up his clothes.

Catch Rain Man, played by Dustin Hoffman, portraying savants like Kim Peek.

Otherwise, catch this video on google:

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Fast Food - Are You Sure?

My frequents to McDonald in KL has always been a pleasant one, except for this particular outlet at City Plaza, Alor Setar. The so called Fast Food is actually S-L-O-W food. Haha.. I waited for a good 15mins for my breakfast McValue meal. Fast Food??

A number of my friends in Alor Setar shared similar "speed" in service at Fast Food outlets in Alor Setar. Remember the time when McDonald had this 60-second order campaign nationwide? Well, I would say the campaign went very well in KL. I do see an increase in work efficiency and the McDonald staffs are really pleasant people too. However, it seems to fail miserably in Alor Setar. I don't know why but for some reason, McDonald branches in Alor Setar is really horrible.

To be fair, Pizza Hut Alor Setar is worse. I had a rather silly time trying to explain to Pizza Hut staff as well as their manager what their promotion means, I had to read out word for word in their flyer and told them that's exactly the deal. Bugger! They refused to listen and I forced them to call their HQ to confirm. Gladly they did and yay, was I right about it. I can't remember the exact details but it was something to do with the time frame. I got my pizza and free vouchers too. It's not the freebies that matter, but the fact that they finally learn the real deal of the promotion. Geez!

what goes around comes around

I am a firm believer of karma " for every event that occurs, there will follow another event whose existence was caused by the first, and this second event will be pleasant or unpleasant". In other word, what goes around comes around.

I cannot express the feeling of being let down by people you cared for the most. Being the beck-and-call for these people, one can only naturally assumed that they will be with you, no matter what.

With my capability, I have contributed emotionally, physically and financially at anytime anywhere they needed it. My care has no set parameters. But I suppose, there always be somehow a limit, to how much a person can tolerate.

I am a person with a high tolerance level, betray once, I can forgive. Twice, sayonara.

Of course I am no angel. I have my sets of temper, flared up when provoked. Then again, who doesn't?

I have given up hope on them. For years, it was ME who were there for them - school sports days, cultural night, detention, scandals, sick, stressed, anything u can name of. I was there all. No money? Ok, let me check my account. Defending them and protecting them even when they are wrong.

All I asked for was some gratitude and show me that I can count on them at any situation.

What I got at the end was really ugly. I have never been so hurt before in my life. To be betrayed by my own family.

I guess, there is really no point being nice when all the rotten people gets credits for being good too.

One thing I am really glad, it's over now. I don't have to continue helping them when they are so ungrateful.

My sister who I loved so much, she can actually turn away from me. I have protected her all my life.

My mum, who I have fiercely protected, she really let me down today.

My brother, who I have cared so much, actually lied to me.

These three people took me for granted. Money, love and affection.

Today was the wake up call for me and it ends here.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Ah Sang - Ye Xu

For Love or Money?

Ladies, here's a universal truth about your money and your man: Money may not buy love, but fighting about it will bankrupt your relationship.

Like it or not, a significant number of couples argue over money and eventually broke up.

It's a touchy subject, but finances do matter in courtship. I apologise if I have offended or may offend anyone, but I am merely sharing my views on this topic :)

For the love of money is the root of all evil.. they say.. in some ways, there are some truth to that.

Myself and my friends have always spoke this forever, for a suave man with no money vs a not-so-good-looking man with money, I'll go for money. Let's take away characters and attitude now. If I want to include that in, let's face it, I'll never find a perfect man :)

Take this quiz and find out for yourself - for love or money

lyric - Bu Gai Jie Shu

Request from one my blog reader:

窗外的雨停了 天空还是灰了 因为爱情也停止了
chuang wai de yu ting le tian kong huan shi hui le yin wei ai qing ye ting zhi le 
回忆在播放中 在笑容里停格 画面会永远留着
hui yi zai bo fang zhong zai xiao rong li ting ge hua mian hui yong yuan liu zhao
给的多是付出 少给的不算输 感情不需要胜负
gei de duo shi fu chu shao gei de bu suan shu gan qing bu xu yao sheng fu
我给了你全部 你还是想结束 我祝你永远幸福
wo gei le ni quan bu ni huan shi xiang jie shu wo zhu ni yong yuan xing fu

快乐的开始不该悲伤的结束 付出多才会了解什麽是幸福
kuai le de kai shi bu gai bei shang de jie shu fu chu duo cai hui le jie shi mo shi xing fu
快乐的开始 祝福的结束
kuai yue de kai shi zhu fu de jie shu
快乐的开始不该悲伤的结束 走到了末路还是会留下祝福
kuai yue de kai shi bu gai bei shang de jie shu zou dao le mo lu huan shi hui liu xia zhu fu
我会 牢牢记住 你给的 全部 的全部
wo hui lao lao ji zhu ni gei de quan bu de quan bu

窗外的雨停了 天空还是灰了 因为爱情也停止了 
chuang wai de yu ting le tian kong huan shi hui le yin wei ai qing ye ting zhi le 
回忆在播放中 在笑容里停格 画面会永远留着
hui yi zai bo fang zhong
 zai xiao rong li ting ge hua mian hui yong yuan liu zhao
给的多是付出 少给的不算输 感情不需要胜负
gei de duo shi fu chu shao gei de bu suan shu gan qing bu xu yao sheng fu
我给了你全部 你还是想结束 我祝你永远幸福
wo gei le ni quan bu ni huan shi xiang jie shu wo zhu ni yong yuan xing fu

repeat chorus

Saturday, September 1, 2007

bags bags bags!

These are new! So nice!

prada christian dior gucci bottega veneta

Friday, August 31, 2007

Hip Little Luxuries.. Bowfairies

Check this super cute adorable hip little luxuries by Bowfairies!

This is where funky meets cute!

This is handcraft item. Very creative colour coordination. Check out the website - or better still, make a trip to Metrojaya Mid Valley, Children's Department. It is just next to the cashier. FREAKING cuteee!

This little darling starts from RM29.90 up to RM59.90.

CUTEEEEE Clippies - Retail at RM30.90 per pair.

Squiggly! Retail at RM45.90.

They update the collection every month. An addictive purchase. Trendy moms & Shopaholics - check it out :)

cool gadget, mp3 fm modulator

I have just gotten this lovely gift, a mp3 FM modulator! It's one the cooooolest gadget I have seen. Haha.. I might not be "gadgets" freak, so my shallow knowledge of gadgets may explain why I am so thrilled over this mp3 fm modulator.

This is realllly awesome. It is so simple to use. Just plug in the modulator into the cigarettes lighter in your car and plug in your mp3 player or ipod OR thumbdrive. Tune in to the radio station showed on the modulator and the songs from your mp3 player/ipod/thumbdrive will start playing. Cool eh? :)

Best part is, it is inexpensive! I got my for only RM65 including delivery to my home. And thumbdrive doesn't cost as much as mp3 players. I don't know how many of you actually experience this, but I always find it annoying that I can't play the latest singles in my car unless I burn the CD in which I need like at least 19songs to fill up the CD, othherwise, I feel like I'm wasting CD space.

So this MP3 FM modulator really solved my problem :)

trust fund babies

Ivanka Trump, Aerin Lauder, Holly Branson, Emma Bloomberg, Casey Jonhnson, Athina Roussel, Paris Hilton etc. They are the new celebrities in Hollywood - children of the insanely RICH, offspring of the SUPER PRIVILEGED.

Born with millions and basically could spend their whole lives without doing anything at all that might closely resemble to work. Of course, among these "high society", there are some that are really talented - money makes more money right? With all the super talents you can hire and make them work for you, the rich only gets richer. All you need is money, employ a team of smart professionals, and voila! ka-ching$! ka-ching$!Great huh? :P

Hmmm.. don't you sometime just wish you are a trust fund babies just like them? ;)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Cao Ge - Bei Pan

Cao Ge - Superwoman

Nan Quan Mama - Bu Gai Jie Shu

Landy Wen - Sha Qua

Landy Wen looks absolutely gorgeous in this video. She looks so "fresh". Is she wearing a colour lenses?? Anyway, the first few frames of the MV reminds me of Evangeline Lilly of Lost. Must be the eyes.. Okay, great vocal too. I like Wen Lan voice. I think she has an incredibly sexy voice :)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

More Mv

Darn. I am a newbie to blogging, not to mention hardsubbing too. And I'm getting really annoyed finding my way tru with blogging. Nevermind..

Another MV with pinyin lyric. I just lurvee this :)

S.H.E - Wu Yue Tian

my first attempt - A Mei & Jing Teng Xiao

It's hard to find new hot MVs with pinyin lyrics. So while all these medias are busy playing the new single, I can't join in the fun and sing along. What a bummer.. So instead and waiting around for others to hardsub MVs, I might as well learn to do it!!

So yea, I started researching on the topic almost right away, busy trying to crack the whole deal. It looks easy at first when I glimpse tru the online tutorial. You just need a few software, a little trial and error, some frustration with timing.. and voila! I made it!

Kudos to me :P

My first attempt, A Mei & Jing Teng Xiao - Yi Yan Shi Jian. Enjoy this one :)

Friday, August 24, 2007


bubbleheadcharm? i just love this nick, it sound just sooo freaking adorable to me :)

so yea.. my first blog. Been wanting to do this for ages, but couldn't seem to find time at all to explore. So what do I wanna do with this blog? I've been pondering on this for a while. I dunno.. My list of interest are endless.

Hell.. I'll just wanna write or post whatever I feel like :)

I'm a non-speaking chinese aka banana, and this is a real handicap to me as I love mandarin songs. So it's really annoying when I can't sing along with my favorite chinese MVs without my pinyin script in my hand. Stupid right.

Anyway, I found a couple of great & latest Chinese MVs on youtube with pinyin :) yay!

Enjoy this one from Wang LeeHom latest single from album Change My Way - Gai Bian Zi Zhi

Thanks to youtube user, betayukino :)